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Skills:   Aestium | Alchemy | Combat | Conjuring | Construction | Cooking | Crafting | Creature Handling | Enchanting | Exploration | Fishing | Fletching | Gardening | Glassblowing | Harvesting | Hunting | Mining | Navigation | Smithing | Speed | Tailoring | Thieving | Woodcutting | Woodworking

Special Equipment:   Aestium | Alchemy | Conjuring | Construction | Cooking | Crafting | Creature Handling | Enchanting | Exploration | Fishing | Fletching | Gardening | Glassblowing | Harvesting | Hunting | Mining | Navigation | Smithing | Speed | Tailoring | Thieving | Woodcutting | Woodworking

Collector's suits | Food

Chocolate Stream


You see a flowing muddy stream in front of you. At least it appears to be. You are so thirsty you decide to take a sip and take a chance the water is safe. You are befuddled and amazed to realise it tastes like chocolate! You chuckle to yourself as you imagine one of those silly bunnies falling in it.

IslandEaster Island
Work LinksGuard the stream,
Sub Locations
Adjacent LocationsEaster Portways,
Can Build?No
Can Trade?Yes
Can Cook?No
Exploration Exp13